Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How to get your hands on the MONEY!

Money might be the biggest obstacle as to why schools are unable to advance the technology in their classrooms.  If that is the case for your school, there is money to be had, it just may take some time and effort.

But, if you are able to come up with a concise plan and budget for your technology needs, then there are always granting organizations willing and able to fund your needs.  

How do you find these granting opportunities???  Below is a link that provides you with a detailed list of grants focusing on all areas of educational technology.  Check it out!

Technology Grant News

And if you have never filled out a grant before and need a few pointers, this website will give you several great starting points and tips to begin.

Grant Writing 101- Tips and Techniques

Here are a few personal tips that I have learned from my experience grant writing.

1. If you don't try to find the funding for your programs, you will never be able to achieve new and innovative educational programs and techniques.
2. The more often you apply for grants, the better you will become at grant writing and ultimately understanding what the granting organizations are looking for.
3. Try to build relationships with individuals at the granting organizations.  They can be an advocate for your needs and will be able to point you in the right direction when creating your proposal.
4. If you have a great idea, there will always be someone willing to help you out!

Yes, grant writing may be a daunting task, but the time, effort and energy is worth it!

Good luck!

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