Monday, April 1, 2013

The Way of the Future

Technology and education go hand in hand in this generation of learners.  
It's also hard to find a public or private school that doesn't try to incorporate technology into their programs.  However, I do not work in a full-time private or public school system in which tax payers or large tuition prices help pay for these new technology.  I work in the supplementary school world; where tuition is low, funding is practically non-existent, attendance is not always mandatory, but expectations are still very high.  One of the expectations in these schools is staying relevant, current and keeping up with the trends in secular school settings.  Which means technology is always a big topic of conversations with the principals, parents, and teachers.  But the biggest issue is how do you incorporate new technologies, as well as rethink school spending to purchase computers, tablets, smartboards, etc, when we are only in session two to four hours a week? 
This blog will focus on providing supplementary school leaders with the ideas and tips to initiate technology transformations in their schools.


  1. Great topic! I work at a tuition free private school-- donors sponsor students from low income families and pay their tuition. That being said, we find ourselves in a situation similar to the one you mentioned above. We have enough funding to be successful, but it is incredibly hard to keep up with modern technologies. I think there are many educators out there in our position and your blog is sure to provide guidance!

  2. I like how you focused your blog purpose.
